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The chicken geprek dish is currently a culinary hit. Almost every restaurant provides this one menu, ranging from warteg, café even to five-star restaurants.

How do you make chicken geprek sambal?
Well, for those of you who also want to enjoy chicken geprek with a variety of unique chili sauce, you don't need to worry this time we share the recipe for you.

1. Recipe for Geprek Chicken Sambal Bawang

Filet chicken meat
Ice water
All-purpose seasoning flour
Sambal Material:

4 cloves garlic
salt and sugar to taste
5 cayenne fruit
5 curly red chilies
hot cooking oil
How to Make Flour Fried Chicken:

Wash the chicken thoroughly until you make sure there is no hair left on the chicken skin. After that, cut the chicken according to the taste and size you want.
Then for instant multipurpose flour that you have prepared into 2 parts. Namely for wet flour and dry flour. For wet flour, please mix with cold water and stir until dissolved.
Next we go back to the chicken, please cover the chicken with wet flour evenly until the chicken is covered in flour.
Then roll over the dry flour and fry in hot oil until cooked and crispy.
Lift the chicken and set aside temporarily until the oil slices.
Onion sauce:

Prepare crushed and pureed garlic along with curly red chili, and also cayenne pepper. Then add herbs like salt and sugar.
Also add flavorings if you like, then flush with hot oil used chicken frying.
Add fried chicken in mortar and geprek until the chicken is slightly crushed. Then press and press with the sambal soak into it.
Now chicken geprek sambal onion is finished, you can serve it on a serving plate. In addition or garnish you can give a sambal pour over the chicken and give a sprinkling of fried onions
Onion sauce:The chicken geprek dish is currently a culinary hit. Almost every restaurant provides this one menu, The chicken geprek dish is currently a culinary hit. Almost every restaurant provides this one menu, ranging from warteg, café even to five-star The chicken geprek dish is currently a culinary hit. Almost every restaurant provides this one menu, ranging from warteg, café even to five-star restaurants.

How do you make chicken geprek sambal?
Well, for those of you who also want to enjoy chicken geprek with a variety of unique chili sauce, you don't need to worry this time we share the recipe for you.

1. Recipe for Geprek Chicken Sambal Bawang

Filet chicken meat
Ice water
All-purpose seasoning flour
Sambal Material:

4 cloves garlic
salt and sugar to taste
5 cayenne fruit
5 curly red chilies
hot cooking oil
How to Make Flour Fried Chicken:

Wash the chicken thoroughly until you make sure there is no hair left on the chicken skin. After that, cut the chicken according to the taste and size you want.
Then for instant multipurpose flour that you have prepared into 2 parts. Namely for wet flour and dry flour. For wet flour, please mix with cold water and stir until dissolved.
Next we go back to the chicken, please cover the chicken with wet flour evenly until the chicken is covered in flour.
Then roll over the dry flour and fry in hot oil until cooked and crispy.
Lift the chicken and set aside temporarily until the oil slices.
Onion sauce:

Prepare crushed and pureed garlic along with curly red chili, and also cayenne pepper. Then add herbs like salt and sugar.
Also add flavorings if you like, then flush with hot oil used chicken frying.
Add fried chicken in mortar and geprek until the chicken is slightly crushed. Then press and press with the sambal soak into it.
Now chicken geprek sambal onion is finished, you can serve it on a serving plate. In addition or garnish you can give a sambal pour over the chicken and give a sprinkling of fried onionsrestaurants.

How do you make chicken geprek sambal?
Well, for those of you who also want to enjoy chicken geprek with a variety of unique chili sauce, you don't need to worry this time we share the recipe for you.

1. Recipe for Geprek Chicken Sambal Bawang

Filet chicken meat
Ice water
All-purpose seasoning flour
Sambal Material:

4 cloves garlic
salt and sugar to taste
5 cayenne fruit
5 curly red chilies
hot cooking oil
How to Make Flour Fried Chicken:

Wash the chicken thoroughly until you make sure there is no hair left on the chicken skin. After that, cut the chicken according to the taste and size you want.
Then for instant multipurpose flour that you have prepared into 2 parts. Namely for wet flour and dry flour. For wet flour, please mix with cold water and stir until dissolved.
Next we go back to the chicken, please cover the chicken with wet flour evenly until the chicken is covered in flour.
Then roll over the dry flour and fry in hot oil until cooked and crispy.
Lift the chicken and set aside temporarily until the oil slices.
Onion sauce:

Prepare crushed and pureed garlic along with curly red chili, and also cayenne pepper. Then add herbs like salt and sugar.
Also add flavorings if you like, then flush with hot oil used chicken frying.
Add fried chicken in mortar and geprek until the chicken is slightly crushed. Then press and press with the sambal soak into it.
Now chicken geprek sambal onion is finished, you can serve it on a serving plate. In addition or garnish you can give a sambal pour over the chicken and give a sprinkling of fried onionsranging from warteg, café even to five-star restaurants.

How do you make chicken geprek sambal?
Well, for those of you who also want to enjoy chicken geprek with a variety of unique chili sauce, you don't need to worry this time we share the recipe for you.

1. Recipe for Geprek Chicken Sambal Bawang

Filet chicken meat
Ice water
All-purpose seasoning flour
Sambal Material:

4 cloves garlic
salt and sugar to taste
5 cayenne fruit
5 curly red chilies
hot cooking oil
How to Make Flour Fried Chicken:

Wash the chicken thoroughly until you make sure there is no hair left on the chicken skin. After that, cut the chicken according to the taste and size you want.
Then for instant multipurpose flour that you have prepared into 2 parts. Namely for wet flour and dry flour. For wet flour, please mix with cold water and stir until dissolved.
Next we go back to the chicken, please cover the chicken with wet flour evenly until the chicken is covered in flour.
Then roll over the dry flour and fry in hot oil until cooked and crispy.
Lift the chicken and set aside temporarily until the oil slices.
Onion sauce:

Prepare crushed and pureed garlic along with curly red chili, and also cayenne pepper. Then add herbs like salt and sugar.
Also add flavorings if you like, then flush with hot oil used chicken frying.
Add fried chicken in mortar and geprek until the chicken is slightly crushed. Then press and press with the sambal soak into it.
Now chicken geprek sambal onion is finished, you can serve it on a serving plate. In addition or garnish you can give a sambal pour over the chicken and give a sprinkling of fried onions
Prepare crushed and pureed garlic along with curly red chili, and also cayenne pepper. Then add herbs like salt and sugar. Also add flavorings if you like, then flush with hot oil used chicken frying. Add fried chicken in mortar and geprek until the chicken is slightly crushed. Then press and press with the sambal soak into it. Now chicken geprek sambal onion is finished, you can serve it on a serving plate. In addition or garnish you can give a sambal pour over the chicken and give a sprink

Onion sauce:

Prepare crushed and pureed garlic along with curly red chili, and also cayenne pepper. Then add herbs like salt and sugar.
Also add flavorings if you like, then flush with hot oil used chicken frying.
Add fried chicken in mortar and geprek until the chicken is slightly crushed. Then press and press with the sambal soak into it.
Now chicken geprek sambal onion is finished, you can serve it on a serving plate. In addition or garnish you can give a sambal pour over the chicken and give a sprinkling of fried onions


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